Spirit Mender LLC
Zeroing in on the body's wisdom
About the Practitioner

 Spirit Mender, LLC makes no claims, promises, or guarantees and does not make medical diagnoses or provide medical or psychological treatment.  You are solely responsible for seeing to and continuing with your own medical treatment and care.



Elizabeth (Lubby) Martinson, SEP, RMT, C-KAMH, C-KAIP, CKAMIP,  BME

Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner 

Reiki Master Teacher

Certified Kahuna ARCH® Master Healer
Certified Kahuna ARCH® Intuition Practitioner
Certified Kahuna ARCH® Medical Intuition Practitioner

Bachelor of Music Education

I am in the Boulder/Louisville/Lafayette, Colorado area.  I also do remote session around the globe.

Email: spiritmender@msn.com

Post Traumatic Stress

Not everyone who is involved in a traumatic event reacts in the same way. Some people are able to let the body discharge the energy that is produced during the fight or flight reaction without any help. Others may find themselves stuck in a seemingly endless loop of reliving the trauma and the body's reactions to it.   

Once you allow the body to complete its reaction and release the energy that was made available to handle the original trauma, other changes can take place. It doesn't matter how long ago the trauma was or how many layers there are, SE® may be the way to help you to work through it. Your body knows what to do.  It may need a little help.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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